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The Keeling Society

Scientia Ante Omnia

Home of the Systems and Complex Thinkers. 

The Keeling Society is a member-based organization for young scientists, offering access to special debates, projects, and events. The Keeling Society encourages fearless exploration of innovative ideas, fostering a platform for open, civil discussion, and debate on the frontiers of climate knowledge. 
The society is named after the "Keeling Curve", which is the world's first unbroken, longitudinal measurement of atmospheric carbon dioxide taken at the Mauna Loa observatory since 1958. 


established in 2024

Our Aim 


The Keeling Society (TKS) has been created by young scientists from around the world, with the aim to proliferate the knowledge of climate science and increase the number of young, predoctoral researchers publishing research on global warming, biodiversity loss, and pollution, henceforth referred to as the triple planetary crisis. 


We strongly emphasize the hard sciences of physics, chemistry, mathematics, and biology, but take an interdisciplinary approach, integrating it with geology, environmental sciences, earth and atmospheric sciences, oceanography, and beyond that, with economics, political science, sociology, and philosophy. 


In the era of political polarization and disregard for science, TKS is a space for bright young minds to work together on understanding and unravelling the complexities of climate change and related environmental issues. TKS ultimately aims to create the leaders of tomorrow by embodying the values of complexity, systems-thinking, and tolerance. 

Earth View at Night

Our members are from everywhere. 

We take pride in our intellectual diversity. 

Interior Designing


Welcome back.

You can access information about upcoming events, opportunities, projects, and more on the "Member's Section" at the topmost right of the site menu. 


If you have lost your password, email us immediately and we will assist you. 

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